& steps to My Goals
^^^Change this picture above to one you want that expresses your idea of gaining goals to your vision.^^^ Without a Vision, the People perish.
Goals to my Visions, steps to my goals
Without a Vision, the People perish.
Without Goals, the People wander aimlessly.
Without the Steps, the People stumble.
To Know God, & make him known
Almost daily time for reflections and evaluation.
Learning never to be so busy that I can not stop and pat the cat.
He is risen
The eternal is eternal, and it is people that will be with me in eternity, not building, title or programs.
Training Trainers
I joy to give my time one-on-one with people.
Click to book a time.
Thrive: ywam.life
Building your website for your future.
These worksheets are designed that you would thrive.
empowering your ideas together to become reality.
To help build out your Goals and Contact Me page, have a look at this Worksheet.
Delete this Row when you have your page ready for publication
Websites for YWAMers
Seminar 2
My Example
Change this to reflect you.
tony & christine arcus
Change this to your Details
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy, #572
Kailua Kona, HI, 96740, USA
+1 (808) 498-7146
Don’t forget to book a one-on-one.
You can remove this section one you have made this page your own.