
Create A post category

Dashboard -> Posts -> Categories ->
Add New Category -> Name ->
Leave Slug blank ->
Description as needed -> Save

Create a first newsletter

Dashboard -> Posts -> Add New Post ->
Give it a Title -> Publish.

This is a holder post,
to start to play with.


create the newsletter page

Dashboard -> Pages -> Add New Page ->
Give it a Title.

This is a holder page.


Think of a page being like a brochure.
It talks about what you do.
The Contact Us page discusses how to contact you Phone Numbers, Emails, Social Media, Whats App.
The About Us Page (in this case it is called Where we have been) talks about where you have been and what you have done. It can talk about your passions and vision.

These pages are pretty static, you might edit them once a year, or when they need new information.

Some extra pages could be about getting married, a baby announcement, a change of work, new opportunities.

Don’t forget to book a one-on-one.

This calendar will show your time for the one-on-one.